Emergency Services


Supporting our Police Department: Our Police Department continues to be one of the best forces in the country. I support our men and women in blue and will help them continue to make West Chester a safe place to raise a family and own a business. Last year, six new “resource officers” were assigned to our local school department. Lakota Schools pay these officers, and our department keeps them trained and a part of our force. Crime statistics have been reduced in recent years, with violent crimes (rape and murder) down 2.7%, and drug-related arrests and theft from auto calls also reduced.

Watch as our Township welcomes these young men to our police force.

Supporting our Fire Department: Our West Chester Fire Department also continues to provide stellar services. Last year, we added six full-time firefighters, not only providing more resources to the department but also reducing overtime costs, thus saving money for taxpayers. The fire department has forged mutual aid agreements with neighboring communities to provide quicker response times for those residents on the geographical fringe of our township. Our fire department is also working to offer greater service to our community by monitoring frequent users of our 911 system to deliver services to residents and support their needs before they reach a state of emergency.

I have supported the building of the new Station 73 that serves the Western side of our Township.

Join West Chester Trustee Ann Becker and Fire Chief Rick Prinz on a tour of Fire Station 73. This fire station is under consideration to be raised or remodeled.