Spending at West Chester Trustee Meeting 10-22-19


It has been a fantastic start to fall in West Chester Township.  As we have been enjoying the weather, the Township is starting to prepare for winter. During our meeting this week, we approved spending to prepare for the winter weather, filling our salt dome, and getting ready to hire snowplow drivers.  We don't want to use it, but I am glad we are prepared. 

The Township honored one of our proud veterans, Ron Dzikowski, who is being inducted into the Veterans Hall of Fame.  

We also hosted Boy Scouts from Troop 944 from St. Max. They helped us with the Pledge of Allegiance and stayed to learn more about how local government works.  Great to see our young people.

Spending at the 10-22-19 West Chester Trustee Meeting

$34,099.21 - Frost Brown Todd, LLC – Legal services through September 30, 2019 (various departments)

Administration 21,930.20

Roads 390.50

Police 11,778.51

$22,572.00 - Violin Systems, LLC – Purchase additional storage space to expand the existing storage area network (SAN)

Purchase order to Violin Systems to purchase additional storage space to expand the existing storage area network (SAN). The SAN is used as the repository for all electronic files and media stored on the Township network. Current designed capacity is approximately 21 terabytes with 16 of those 21 terabytes of space currently in use. CIP# 1469 was budgeted for $30,000 to anticipate normal growth of Township data with a primary focus on a document management solution and its impact (addition) to our data storage needs. Although data storage growth fluctuates widely based on Township projects and activities, the document management solution will, by design, continue to grow over time as its purpose and utility expands.

This request is to purchase an additional 24 terabytes of drive space with installation, warranty and support. Based on current use and anticipated projections of the new document management system the Information Technology department anticipates this increase fulfilling the Township SAN needs for five to seven years.

$16,294.36 - Kronos Incorporated – Renew annual service and support for Telestaff scheduling payroll functions of public safety departments

Request payment to Kronos for support of the “Workforce Telestaff” scheduling and payroll application used by Communications, Police and Fire totaling $16,294.36.

Individual department invoice amounts are:

• Communications - $1,367.39

• Police - $6,657.72

• Fire - $8,269.25

The three public safety departments utilize this program for their respective scheduling needs with a multitude of functionality including but not limited to:

• Various authority levels of scheduling and approving off time/over time.

• Easy employee access, including remotely.

• Extensive reporting capabilities.

• Compliance with Township and department scheduling requirements and collective bargaining agreements.

• Payroll submittal.

$8,022.35 - Granicus, LLC – Purchase one year of VisionLive subscription hosting and support services for the West Chester Township website

West Chester first contracted with Vision Internet/Granicus in June 2015 for website services. Granicus has been a responsive website company that continues to innovate in the realm of government digital services.

This request is for a one year term from December 15, 2019 to December 14, 2020 for web hosting, maintenance, VisionLive subscription, etc. to operate www.westchesteroh.org.

This is only a one-year subscription, outside of the initial four-year contract. In February 2020, Public Information and Engagement will negotiate a new multi-year contract with Granicus to include a full redesign of the website (including an $8,000 design credit promised in the first contract cycle).

$100,000.00 - Cargill Inc. – Purchase road salt for 2019-2020 winter season

In preparation for the 2019-2020 winter season, the Butler County Engineer’s Office solicited bids and negotiated a contract for the purchase of road salt. Cargill Inc. was selected for this season’s salt purchase. The contract price is $73.21 per ton dumped.

$25,000.00 - Snow Plow Contractors – Subcontract for cul-de-sac snow removal for 2019-2020 winter season

Snow plow subcontractors are a valuable resource to the Roads & Maintenance Division when needed to help clear the 600+ cul-de-sacs in the Township during heavy snow accumulations. The last several winters we have not had to utilize this outside labor resource as much as in the past. However, we need to continue to ensure this resource is available when needed during heavy winter storms. The Community Services Department budgets $50,000.00 annually for snow plow subcontractor labor.

$13,000.00 - Univar Solutions USA Inc. – Purchase liquid calcium chloride for 2019 – 2020 winter season

The Roads Division is preparing for winter weather and is requesting to open a PO to Univar USA Inc. to purchase calcium chloride. The price for this snow season is $0.965 per gallon on a 4,000 gallon delivery which is an increase over last year. The Division budgeted $13,000.00 for calcium chloride in 2019.