Ann Becker

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Spending at the West Chester Trustee Meeting on August 13th 2019

The West Chester Trustees met on Tuesday, August 13 at 6pm at the Township Hall. The following motions were passed that included spending.

 $32,906.05 Frost Brown Todd, LLC – Legal services through July 31, 2019 (various departments)

Administration $18,629.75 - Most of this service was to create and negotiate the lease contract for the new fire station 73 off of 747

Roads $2,085.00

Cemetery $858.30

Public Info & Engage $3,018.00

Police $420.00

Fire $227.50

EMS $227.50

UCB TIF $1,545.00

747 TIF $5,895.00

 $25,000.00 Carlson Software, Inc. – Purchase Robotics Total Station package to replace 12 year old technology (CIP# 1006)

From Police Chief Herzog: The Police Department is continually monitoring and working to promote safety on the roads; however, due to population size and traffic congestion, traffic accidents continue to be a steady concern in the Township. In 2018, there were 1,067 traffic crashes with four fatalities, which does not include private property crashes.

 CIP# 1006 has been budgeted for $25,000.00 to purchase a robotic total station in order to improve police personnel time management and increase productivity at traffic crash scenes. The Police Department’s current total station equipment is 12 years old and has stopped working. If a serious crash were to occur, another agency would need to be called to assist in data collection. The proposed purchase provides on‐site equipment that measures scene data for the purpose of accident investigation.

 Services $36,064.60 Mid‐Miami Roofing, Inc. – Repair salt dome roof located at the Safety Service Center (CIP# 504 and 1452)

From Community Service Director Tim Franck: It was determined that the roof on the salt dome would need a long term repair to protect this valuable asset. Over the last several years we have had to replace shingles each year that were removed from the dome due to weather.

 Some small leaks have developed as well and we need to repair the entrance. Two CIPs for this repair (#504 & 1452) are in place and the amount was updated based on cost estimates. During the past few months, the Community Services Department has solicited quotes for a new roof for the salt dome located on Cincinnati‐Dayton Road. The work quoted includes removal of the existing roof and repair of the entrance. New 30 year dimensional shingles will be applied. These products will last longer and hold up much better to wind and ice damage. This will improve the asset we have and make it nearly maintenance free for years to come.

 We received several quotes and Mid Miami Roofing, Inc. submitted the lowest and most responsive quote. Mid Miami was also the vendor for the installation of the new roof on the Safety Service Center and the repair and replacement of the roof on our secondary salt dome.

 West Chester Trade Center

A motion passed to amend existing service agreement with NorthPoint Development regarding development on the northwest corner of Union Centre Boulevard and State Route 747; and, authorize the Township Administrator to make non‐substantive changes with Law Director approval and execute said agreement (increase PO# S183389)

 West Chester Board of Trustees authorized a Service Agreement with NorthPoint Development on June 26, 2018 and amended on March 26, 2019 to include a revised site plan. To date, NorthPoint has fulfilled all requirements and the development at the northwest corner of Union Centre Boulevard and State Route 747 is progressing nicely.

 The West Chester Board of Trustees authorized TIF contributions in the amount of $5,128,392.00 as part of the original service agreement. These TIF payments were pledged to assist in the development of public infrastructure required for development at the project site.

 Under the proposed second amendment to the original service agreement, this financial TIF contribution will be raised to $6,128,392.00 in total contribution, an increase of $1,000,000.00 over the original amount. This adjustment is due to increased infrastructure costs regarding the BCEO‐designed bridge along State Route 747 into the development site.

 As part of this increased financial contribution, the Board of Trustees has required a revision to the contractually obligated project completion dates. Under the original service agreement, the site would be fully developed by 2026. This second amendment adjusts the completion date to 2023. The realization of three additional years of TIF contributions from a fully developed site helps West Chester Township realize financial benefit to outweigh the additional TIF contributions.