Ann Becker

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Why vote for Ann Becker on November 5th

Fiscal Conservative.  Ann Becker evaluates every cent of expenditures because she knows the Township is spending your hard-earned money.

Reduced Township debt by $8 million

Kept budget balanced with over $10 million carryover in General Fund

Maintained Aaa bond rating

Supports Police, Fire and Well-Kept Roads. Ensuring your family’s safety is our Township’s most important job.  Ann Becker is committed to making sure your police and fire departments are working, and your roads are well maintained.

Roads Maintained

Completed Ole West Chester, Cincinnati-Dayton Road Improvements

Restructured Union Centre overpass – improving traffic flow and safety

Paved major roads and over 5 miles of back roads

Public Safety First

Added 6 full-time police officers to Lakota schools – improving students’ safety

Added 6 full-time firemen – improving services and saving money on overtime

Community and Republican-Endorsed.  Ann Becker is a conservative leader in the Butler County Republican Party and is running with the Republican endorsement. Ann believes in our Constitution and our conservative founding principles of right to life, lower taxes, smaller government, and being pro-2nd Amendment.

Elevated the lives of seniors through improved transportation and developing the Mulhauser Barn into a new community space

Supported our community history by selling the Station Road School House to the West Chester/Union Township Historical Society.

Endorsed by Cincinnati Right to Life PAC

Endorsed by the Butler/Warren County Association of Realtors PAC